Sunday, July 11, 2010


The week before we moved to Nashville is sort of a blur now. All I know is that my heart was so full, and my tear ducts were empty! :) Our community group (Sharks for life!) threw us a great going away party. They surrounded us in prayer... for the moving logistics, for our marriage, for my future job, for our future church/church family, and for the overall transition. Then, they presented us with 2 baskets full of road trip snacks and over $300 worth of restaurant gift cards so that we wouldn't have to worry about cooking throughout the first few months of being here. How incredibly thoughtful and generous! Then, they gave us a book full of letters that each person had written to us. As soon as I opened the book and realized what it was, I had to shut it immediately. We just couldn't handle all those emotions at once! But we did read it that night before bed and will always cherish their sweet words.

Thennnn, a few days later, two of our best friends, Sarah and Spencer, hosted another going away party for us. It was a precious time with some of our closest friends. All night I kept thinking about how I just wanted to stop time. I wanted to remember their voices and laughs and hugs. I wasn't quite sure what to anticipate before the party, but it turned out to be even better than what I thought. It wasn't a sob-fest which was wonderful. Instead, it was a time just to goof off and to tell funny and embarrassing stories. Then, to top it all off, Sarah had asked these people to write a short note/letter to us. She compiled them, added pictures, and made a pretty amazing book that we will always treasure.

These people have walked with us throughout our dating years, engagement, and now marriage. They have listened to us and prayed for us. They have kept us accountable and asked us the tough questions. They have helped to carry us through all of our fears, doubts, and anxieties with the whole moving process. In many ways, we are who we are because of them.

Like I said, my heart is full because of this community. These people love us. No strings attached. That's the essence of our church, and that is why The Ring is so special to us. I long for that community again. I know it takes time to cultivate these kinds of relationships, and part of me wants to just fast forward to that time. We will never be able to replace these friendships, but instead will add to them! I can't wait to see what God has in store!

Group shot during "story time"

The new Schoons!

Our wonderful shepherds :)

Sarah free-handed that on her wall with chalk...I told you she was amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say "hello" and let you know up front. hehe! I loved meeting you at LO's and you are precious! You sister rocks, so I kinds knew I would like you:D

    Also, I gave Sarah H. your name for facebook. Hope y'all can connect! LOVE your blog:)
